We continually review our sustainable business strategy to improve stewardship and reporting format.
We have established the Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Committee (SSRC) & Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management Committee (SSRMC) to reinforce the integration of sustainability into the company's operations (from FY23/24 SR).
Refreshed Sustainability Framework
We recognise the importance of reviewing our business strategy regularly, with inputs from our stakeholders, in order to identify the most pertinent risks and opportunities.
Re-examining and reprioritising our material issues is an essential step for us to adapt to the ‘new normal’ and thrive in a post-pandemic world.

Develop Smart Infrastructure

Reduce Food and Packaging Waste

Nurturing Skills for the Future
Our unwavering commitment to Sustainability
Task Force on
Climate-related Disclosures
The increasing focus on climate change has resulted in calls for a transition to a lower-carbon economy. In FY2021-22, we followed the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) process to develop climate scenarios to better understand the Company’s exposure to the risks and opportunities of climate change. We will continue to strengthen our climate reporting in accordance with TCFD recommendations.
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GRI Content Index
The GRI Standards have been strengthened so they deliver the highest level of transparency for impacts on the economy, environment and people, with a major update to the very foundation of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards, the Universal Standards, and the introduction of the first GRI Sector Standard.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)
We map material topics to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), and continually review our sustainable business strategy to improve our stewardship and reporting format.
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Sustainability reports