
Meet Caroline, a former cabin crew member who now helps manage Blossom Lounge

Meet Caroline, a former cabin crew member who now helps manage Blossom Lounge

It’s not every day you get to meet someone who finds their job a breeze. Meet Caroline, Duty Manager at Blossom – SATS & Plaza Premium Lounge.


Caroline Lam, Duty Manager, Blossom – SATS & Plaza Premium Lounge

The Blossom Lounge

Blossom Lounge is one of two airport lounges in Changi Airport’s Terminal 4. It is an independent lounge managed by SATS and Plaza Premium Group – both no strangers to lounge management. SATS runs its own lounges across Changi Airport and a private jet lounge at Seletar Airport; Plaza Premium Group is renowned for its lounges worldwide.

Read also: I'm a Lounge Manager at Seletar Business Aviation Centre

After clearing immigration, just head straight, go one level up, and you’ll find Blossom Lounge in a quiet corner overlooking the Peranakan Heritage Zone. It spans 1,100 square metres of long dining tables, private booths, cosy seating pods, a shower area, a bar, a massage area, and a wide selection of food and refreshments.

On a typical day, Blossom Lounge serves up to 800 guests, sometimes reaching a thousand during peak seasons.


Blossom Lounge at Changi Airport Terminal 4 Transit

What makes Blossom special

“Blossom Lounge stands out because it is inclusive,” Caroline remarks. “We welcome everyone, regardless of their credit card or membership.” For a reasonable fee, travellers at Terminal 4 can enjoy Blossom Lounge’s amenities. The lounge also partners with organisations like Priority Pass, LoungeKey, and Dragon Pass, and various credit card companies to grant access to their members.

Another highlight of Blossom Lounge is its food. “Our laksa is a crowd favourite,” Caroline says. The lounge’s menu changes bi-weekly, and Caroline always loves seeing what the SATS chefs come up with.

a bowl of laksa

Laksa -- one of SATS' signature dishes

From cabin to lounge

Caroline’s day can start at eight in the morning, one in the afternoon, or at ten in the evening. Each shift begins with a thorough check of the lounge. “I make sure everything is in order,” she explains.

Much like checking the cabin and galley before passengers board the plane, Caroline ensures everything in the lounge is clean and welcoming. Are the bathrooms spotless? Are the food and beverages enough and presented nicely? Are the seating areas clean and tidy?

Read also: How in-cabin cleanliness is achieved in under 20 minutes

It probably makes you wonder: how does Caroline find her job so easy? It’s all thanks to her extensive experience in customer service.

Before joining Blossom Lounge, Caroline spent years as a cabin crew member for an airline. To her, the two roles are quite similar. “They both have the same objective – to serve passengers. It’s just that the workplaces are different,” she explains.

The customers she serves are the same – air travellers on their journeys. Previously, she looked after them at 30,000 feet. Now, she looks after them on the ground, just before they board their flights.

Lessons from the cabin

Her time as a cabin crew member gave Caroline a solid foundation in customer service. “Seven years in the air exposed me to all kinds of situations,” she says. “Those experiences taught me how to stay calm and positive.” This ability to stay composed and cheerful is something she brings to her role at Blossom Lounge.

Occasionally, there’s an upset guest. Handling such a situation is straightforward for Caroline – it's all about listening carefully to their concerns and finding a solution. She firmly believes that every problem has a solution. This approach helps explain why she finds her job a breeze.

A smile each day


In customer service, a smile is essential. “Your smile is free, so why keep it to yourself?” Caroline jokes.

She follows an interesting guideline for interacting with guests. It's called the 10-5 guideline: make eye contact at 10 steps, smile at 5, and greet guests as they get closer. “It works every time,” she says with a wink.

Caroline also loves receiving smiles. “When guests smile and thank me, that’s the best feeling,” she shares.

Not everyone can say their job is easy, but here’s Caroline reminding us that the way we view our responsibilities and the attitude we bring can make work feel lighter.


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