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My Job at SATS: I'm a Security Officer who gets to see the world

My Job at SATS: I'm a Security Officer who gets to see the world

“This is where I want to be.”

Can you say the same line applies to you and where you’re currently at?

Mohamed Ashraf bin Abdul Hamid, Security Officer at SATS, can. But you’ll be surprised to know he did not have relevant experience prior to joining the security industry.

Security Officer Career at SATS - Ashraf

Ashraf was assigned to Passenger Services when he first joined SATS in 2011. He helped ensure seamless boarding procedures and on-time flights.

When the pandemic shocked the world in 2020, Ashraf was asked to join SATS Security. Initially, he was sceptical as the customer-facing role had already become his comfort zone. But he loves challenges, says Ashraf. So, he took the role, went for mandatory training courses, and eventually got a license to become a Security Officer.

More than two years later, he is all smiles telling people he did not have the slightest regret joining SATS Security.

One for the books

Ashraf’s career with SATS has been a fruitful one.

For almost ten years, he was in a customer-facing role, a job that Ashraf describes as both “challenging” and “fun.” He likes talking to people, and the job afforded him the opportunity to improve his interpersonal communication skills. Today, Ashraf is confident he can handle all types of airline passengers who may approach him.

It goes without saying how Ashraf remains incredibly grateful to SATS for allowing him to not only keep his job during a tough time like the pandemic but also for giving him room to learn new skills and gain more exposure in aviation.

“Joining SATS Security is an eye-opener,” Ashraf declares. He accepted the role primarily because of the ideal work hours that allow him to pursue a diploma in engineering. Likewise, with almost a decade of working with SATS Passenger Services, he believes he has served the unit enough.

Yet, joining is one thing, choosing to stay is another. For Ashraf, the choice is easy because a Security Officer’s job comes with a unique set of challenges.

It’s a different story

Most people regard a Security Officer’s job as an easy role, thinking that it does not entail a lot of mental and physical work. Even Ashraf had the same misconception.

It was only when he got to experience the job firsthand that he realised a Security Officer’s job is more than checking bags and identification. Security officers are responsible for the safety of the premises and the people. Every minute, they must be mentally and physically alert.

During his first few weeks at the job, Ashraf fulfilled rotating security duties. He was assigned to monitor the CCTV streams, he did access control, and he was tasked to patrol the premises.

Opportunities with SATS

There is also an opportunity to do other types of security work at SATS. Ashraf, for instance, has been selected to be part of an escorting team, a role that granted him an opportunity to do the two things he loves the most: fly to various cities and meet different people.

The first time Ashraf received a call telling him about the assignment, he was so ecstatic he readily said “yes.”

Security officers may be called to assist inadmissible passengers. The job sounds stiff and tough, but as a people person, Ashraf makes a way to approach the task on a lighter note.

He always starts introducing himself to the passengers, addressing them by their names, and making sure they feel at ease as these are crucial to making sure passengers, the cabin crew, and themselves are all safe, especially when they are airborne.

Such opportunities were previously unknown to Ashraf. But with an open mind, he was able to stock up on new experiences and gain new skills that made him enjoy his role even more.

If you’re interested in joining the SATS Security Services unit, Ashraf encourages you to do one thing first: “Change your mindset about a security officer’s job.” Once you’re in, he hopes you keep an open mind to experiences that you will surely get and enjoy while working in the security industry.

Moreover, Ashraf’s tip is this: Be healthy. Good stamina is a must for this job.

Want to explore an opportunity with SATS Security Services? Send your application today