Feeding and Connecting Asia



Proposed Fit-Out and Renovation Works for SATS Cargo Administrative Office and Function Room at SATS Airfreight Terminal 5

The location of the site is at SATS Airfreight Terminal 5, 30 Airline Road, AFT 5 Core K L5, Singapore 819830.

The Contractor shall provide and include all specialist work, labour, materials, tools and equipment in their Bid Price for the Refurbishment works.

The works comprised of the following:-

  1. Interior fit out works of a commercial office and function hall of 14,704sqft;
  2. Mechanical & Electrical Installation Works as defined, described and shown;
  3. Plumbing and Sanitary works as defined, described and shown;
  4. Co-ordination, attendance, facilities and supervision on works to be executed;
  5. Compliance with all relevant Local Authorities

Tender Closing date : 17 February 2025 before1400 hrs (Singapore Time)

Tender drawings and documents will be available for download in Ariba. Tenderers must ensure that their bids are submitted though the SAP ARIBA platform by the specified tender closing date and time. All tender documents submitted (in PDF file Format), must be duly signed and stamped. Tenderers to observe the closing date/time in Ariba.

For Vendors interested to participate in tender :

1. New to Ariba 
Please fill in the attached “Ariba Registration Form” and send to YingYing_Chan@sats.com.sg for Ariba onboarding purpose. You will receive a link from Ariba for submission of the bid after onboarding process to Ariba is completed.

2. Existing SATS-Ariba Vendors 
Please email us your interest for you to receive link to submit proposal.

Ariba Vendor Registration Form

Tender Notice CT2501T001