Progress of prototypes for WeLink Follow-Me Wheelchairs.

WeLink is a system that allows one staff to transport three wheelchair-bound passengers using sensor technology operated via a mobile application.
- LIDAR sensor that allows for continuous updates of the surroundings through an alert system and an automatic emergency stop when encountering sudden obstacles.
- Active braking systems that will take hold on slopes at steep aerobridges and prevent rollbacks or forward slides.
- Smart seatbelts that allow WELinks to be activated only when the seatbelts are in place
- Dashcams that are installed in every WELink wheelchair, capturing footage that can be used for the investigation of any incidents.
- Safety stop button that enables the user to activate emergency stops independently, if necessary.
- Positioning of the electronic manual controls are designed to be out of reach for passengers in order to prevent mishandling.
- Mobile application activation by authorised and trained personnel that allows for safe and seamless control of the wheelchair convoy.
- Ergonomically positioned manual controls that are installed as a backup in the event of any electronics malfunction, to facilitate quick manual safety overrides.
- A stowable baggage compartment that is installed in every wheelchair where passengers’ belongings can be stowed and secured instead of being carried by the attending service staff.